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Ava is riding in the back of a pickup truck while on the Chiapas Chocolate Retreats. She is heading into the cacao forest, and is excited to teach women about empowerment through connection to their wildness, to adventure, and to their senses.

DR. AVA POMMERENK, Founder & Facilitator

Ava has an adventurous, mischevious spirit, and will not pass up an opportunity to ride in the back of a pick-up truck, deep into the jungle.  She is especially excited to partake in adventures like these, with a bunch of women! Ava has a passion for women's empowerment, and strong commitment to reigniting women's ability to become more deeply empowered through the magic of a group process.  

Ava is also a self-professed choco-holic.  She even runs chocolate tours in her home city of San Cristobal de Las Casas. Click here to be brought to her tours page. Ava wants nothing more than to guide other women into deeper relationship with their knowing and Self, through an immersive, fun, emotionally safe, communal embodiment process. A women's chocolate retreat is the perfect setting for this passion and desire. 

Throughout the retreat, Ava will be there with you, guiding you into ever- deeper layers within, and helping you overcome the blocks that often stop you from going deeper. From this deep place within, she, as well as the whole group, will help you locate how you will step forward into a new life, with greater fulfillment, success, and happiness!

and Distributors

Ava and the chocolate retreat group, posing together in front of the cacao distributors.
The cacao distributors are on the retreat feeling happy about helping women become more empowered.
Cacao farmers deep in the cacao forests

The farmers and distributors are proud of what they offer!

Participants will be driven, climbing high into the forests, to a little cacao growing and processing community called El Vado. Here, several families live in homes hidden within the forest, where they live almost entirely self-sustainably, and work together to use permaculture and organic farming practices to raise the most incredible varieties of cacao. 

They then work directly with the distributors, who we will visit with in Huixtla, to get their product out to chocolate-makers all over the world. 

Come experience the life of the people who help create and distribute the cacao that ends up in most of the highest quality chocolate products on the market today!

Cacao family together on the empowerment retreat
Cacao farmer and his family deep in the cacao forest

Sign Up Now For The Journey of a Lifetime

Saul, a cacao farmer on the retreat, opens a cacao pod in the cacao forest. He is inting you to embrace your sense through the cacao.

Ava Pommerenk, PhD.    Copyright 2018.     All rights reserved.     Privacy Policy.