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Retreat Payment Page

We are excited for you to join us!

Below is a list of the cost of the retreat, as well as buttons that will link you directly to the plan that is appropriate for you. We provide pay-in-full, payment plans, and group rates!

Should you have any frustrations, questions, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Ava directly, and she will help you in whatever way she can. 


Phone #: 1 (925) 979-5144

To schedule a call, please follow the link below:

Ava's Online Scheduler

This is an opened cacao pod on this empowerment retreat

Your Investment: 

Your Deposit: $500 non-refundable. This holds your spot in the retreat, if you are planning to go through the payment plan. The cost of the deposit is include in the "pad in full", option. 

Should you not sign up for a payment plan, we will keep you deposit and your spot spot will be opened to the public again.

Pay in Full:

$4000 Single Occupancy. 

Get your own room, and your own space, for the entirety of your retreat.

$3500 Double/Triple Occupancy.

Share a master suite for the entirety of the trip, with a partner you have selected. 

Payment Plans: Yes! We have them!

After paying your $500 deposit, you will pay $350 per month for ten months, for the single occupancy plan, and $300 per month for ten months with the double/triple occupancy plan. 

If you desire a payment plan, please select the payment button below, corresponding to either single of double occupancy. 

Group Rates: Bring Your Friends and Get a Discount!

Bring 4 of your friends, to make a total of 5 within your group, and your rates for the retreat, decrease from the original cost, by $500 each. That makes the single occupancy, group rate rooms go for $3500, and the double/triple occupancy go for $3000.  Should any member of the group need to forfeit their attendance on the retreat, other members of this group must find a replacement, by no later than 30 days before the retreat, or pay the $500 balance they were discounted through originally forming the group. In other words, if the group does not remain at 5 members, those remaining on the retreat, are required to pay the original price of the retreat. To pay in full for these rates, please click the button below. 

For the group rate, payment plan, after each person pays their $500 deposit, you each will pay $300 per month for ten months, for the single occupancy plan, and $250 per month for ten months with the double/triple occupancy plan. 

Ava Pommerenk, PhD.    Copyright 2020.     All rights reserved.     Privacy Policy.
